Like many creatives I am obsessed with colour. The exhibition Breathing Colour at The Design Museum by Hella Jongerius looks at how we see colour within the world and how it affects everything around us. Go be inspired.
I’m constantly mixing together various shades and products to create the exact colours I need so I got excited to hear that a new electric blue has been created, YInMn Blue. If you want to get all geeky and know the science behind it you can read about it here. This… Read More →
You’ve had your dip dye, you’ve had your rainbow highlights but have you had crazy colour on your lady garden? Now you can with Betty Beauty, hot pink is a best seller, obviously.
Making Colour at the National Gallery is an absolute must see for anyone even remotely interested in anything to do with makeup, the image here is from a shoot I did for Tank Magazine showing just how much I love it. Spanning paintings, textiles, crafts, you name it they have… Read More →
Anyone who knows me and my work knows that I love colour in all it’s forms so when I came across this book with every colour mixed by hand by an artist in 1692 I was in colour heaven. The shades and tones are simply beautiful, beats Pantone any day.