Like many creatives I am obsessed with colour. The exhibition Breathing Colour at The Design Museum by Hella Jongerius looks at how we see colour within the world and how it affects everything around us. Go be inspired.
The Serpentine Pavilion is always a beautiful and fascinating piece of architecture that pops up in Kensington Gardens. This year it’s designed by Francis Kéré, be sure to check it out before it closes in October.
This exhibition at Tate Britain is the first exhibition dedicated to queer British art across 100 years from 1860s-1960s included artists such as Hannah Gluckstein (above), Simeon Solomon & Keith Vaughan. Be sure to take some time out to see this wonderful exhibition on until October.
Well nearly and sorry worldwide guys this is only for us in the UK with a snap election designed to dizzy us all. Whichever way your politics lie or even if you don’t really give a damn it’s important to vote and make your voice heard so I wanted this… Read More →
I love film and have always been inspired by it, check out Barbican’s new season Cinema Matters: What The Movies Do To Us which looks at exactly that. The affect of what we see up on the big screen and how we are influenced.