I Heart Charlotte Rampling. Amp up your own freckles with Topshop’s Freckle Pencil, dot liberally and set with a translucent powder such as NARS Light Reflecting Setting Powder.
I Heart Dakota Johnson. Make your eyeliner last longer in the heat by opting for a waterproof version, try Topshop’s Waterproof Liner in Gunpowder for a softer alternative to black.
I Heart Barbra Streisand. A little bit of eyeliner always goes a long way, for precision try using an angled brush and a gel liner such as Topshop’s Gel Liner in Ink.
I Heart Linda Ronstadt. Pair heavily mascaraed eyes with bronzed cheeks for instant glamour, at the moment I love Topshop’s Doe Eyed Mascara and Hourglass Illume Creme to Powder Bronzer Duo. Buff the bronzing shade underneath cheekbones to sculpt and then highlight with the light shade.