Red lipstick is a classic. So is nude. Some people might go wild with a bit of pink or orange but in general we all tend to stick to the classics. But there are a lot of other options now if you’re feeling a bit bold and no I’m not talking about that crazy Instagram leopard print unicorn glitter cray cray business. I mean alternative colours that still make you feel like a grown up. First up the transformative shades. Take your favourite red or and a top coat, Estee Lauder has just launched Lip Flips which come in a vivd yellow or a sheer black to change up the hue either by slightly darkening or amplifying. So your red becomes coral with Turn Up or burgundy with Turn Down. Practice with a few different shades and create practically anything you want. If you aren’t afraid of gloss try Chanel’s Rogue Coco Gloss Top Coat again in a couple of different hues for different effects. The Caviar shade also looks amazing on its own for a slightly dark gloss or try Excitation to add some shimmer to your colour. If you really are feeling bold then try MAC’s intense metallic shades such as Model Behaviour & On and On or OCC’s Lip Tar in Indrid or Technopagan.
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