I don’t tend to pay much attention to the latest trends as I tend to like what I like and know what works. But hey, there are a couple of things that caught my attention that I wasn’t really sure should be counted in my skincare regime but apparently they work. First up, probiotics. We’ve all seen the bloody Activia adverts, yeah I get it they are good for my body but now they are leaching into skincare. It’s all about good bacteria, check out Aurelia Miracle Cleanser or Eminence Probiotic Masque and allow the probiotics to do their natural anti inflammatory job. Next is copper, yes I know it’s all over your house from candle sticks to plant pots but it’s also pretty good for your skin. GHK-Copper has been found to improve skin texture and boost elasticity, try Osmotics Blue Copper 5 Prime for Face if you are into some powerful anti ageing. Moving onto Birch extract, the tree variety. As an essential oil it is lauded to be a mood lifter, disinfectant & detoxifying so naturally it’s pretty skin boosting, straight from the beauty holy land that is Korea try COSRX Oil Free Ultra Moisturising Lotion. Or you could drink it as seems to be another latest beauty trend to boost skin from the inside. Weleda Birch Juice leaves you feeling ‘young, light & mobile’ and Pure Gold Collagen promises to halt the signs of ageing. Bottoms up.
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