I keep seeing everywhere these new lip colours that are matte and give everyone pillowy plump lips but when I road tested a certain premium matte lipstick I felt more crusty than creamy, how do I keep it matte without leaving my lips drier than the Sahara Desert?
JL, Cotswolds
Matte is a big thing right now for lip colours and the joy is that in theory once it’s on it ain’t going anywhere but that involves a lot of prep. Make sure you exfoliate before anything else goes near your lips. Grab a toothbrush and some lip balm or you can be real fancy and use Bliss Spa’s Fabulips Pout-o-Matic Lip Perfecting System. Next up the actual lipstick, everything is going to last longer with a lip pencil so put that down as your base first, I like the MAC Lip Pencils, and apply on dry lips as anything balmy is just going to slide. Lipstick is a personal thing and if you aren’t getting on with a standard lip bullet try a liquid lipstick that then sets matte such as Anastasia Beverley Hills Liquid Lipstick. This might just change your life.
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